Saturday, November 3, 2012

QOD #6 If the Universe requires balance, will the "good" you put into the world always be opposed by the "bad" of someone else?

Answer: Yes... but only until shift happens

Superheroes and Villains. Light side vs. the Dark side. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Foot clan...The dichotomy between good and evil is both a recurring recipe for blockbuster success and a representation of how the universe is is providing balance through opposing forces. For every crime there is an act of peace. For every victory a tragedy. AMMA gives hugs, kids sold drugs. Cultivating organic soil, blood spilled over oil. And so on, and so on.

If the good we do is always countered by someone else's dirty deeds, why even try?

This balance only remains until we reach a breaking point. Unfortunately, history tells us that this shift has usually been marked by a mass extinction. Believe it or not, there have been 5 mass extinctions to current date.

Leading experts say we are in the midst of our sixth extinction now. But, what if we didn't have to hit rock bottom to evolve?  Non-sustainable lifestyles do not have to persist. We have the CHOICE to acknowledge the rotten path we are going down and CHOOSE to go another route. Please allow me to introduce the concepts of Spontaneous Evolution/ Critical Mass/ Tipping Point/ and Zero Point-Energy. When a large enough amount of people collectively come together with a common purpose, shift is possible.

So, what collective idea can we get behind? What will we choose to support? And what will it take to get us there?

Sounds like questions for a future QOD.

In awakening consciousness, Brett J.

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