Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day #1 Fasting the body, Feeding the spirit

Today is the first day of my 7-day water fast. So, yes, for the next 7 days I will consume nothing other than water. This may initially sound crazy to some, but a little research will show that the act of fasting has been practiced throughout history for physical, mental, and spiritual enlightenment.

"The great philosopher, Pyhtagoras, required his disciples to undertake a fast for 40 days before they could be initiated into the mysteries of his occult philosophical teachings." - the miracle of FASTING

"In the great city of Alexandria, Egypt, in times when it was the educational center of the world... people had to fast for 40 days before they could enter and study with the master of that time." - the miracle of FASTING

Patriarchs within the Bible fasted frequently. David, Elijah, and Moses fasted for as long as 40 days. Jesus Christ himself fasted for 40 days before he began to teach the great truths of Life. Buddha took long fasts. Then of course there was Ghandi. Come on, we all know about Ghandi...

The purpose of my personal fast is to test the "miraculous power within the body." I want to test Vitalism. I want to test this mysterious something that animates the living world. If we really our more than just our mechanical body, I want to stop feeding the flesh and feed the spirit. I want to know what happens when spirit takes over. I want to know what happens when we tame the educated mind and allow for full expression of innate.

Currently, I am in my 23rd hour of Day 1. Luckily, in the past three weeks I have already completed three separate 24-hour fasts. At this point I feel quite adapted to the processes that have gone on throughout the day. I have had slight food cravings but I have been able to distinguish food cravings from real hunger. Cravings are conditioned from our environment. "You should eat 3 meals a day." "Eat every 2-3 hours." "When sick, make sure you eat something!" Really?? What if I'm not hungry? Eat anyway?

What if when we weren't hungry our body was actually trying to tell us we shouldn't eat?
You may have experienced in your life a time when you were suffering physically and felt no desire for food. Food even repulsed you.... kind but ignorant relatives or friends told you, you must "eat to keep up your strength". The very last thing you needed was food, because your subconscious mind was signaling you to stop eating. - the miracle of FASTING
23 hours down, 145 hours to go. I will post every day on my progress. I will be taking daily urine specimens to monitor toxins being excreted. I will also take a daily photo that will later be used to demonstrate how bloating, swelling and edema leave the system with sodium detoxification. Any and all support is welcomed unless it's in the form of discouragement. Mental toxification from others will not be accepted.

The book that is helping lead the way...

Please know that at this time I am not recommending to do what I do. I must first obtain WISDOM before I would ever tell anyone else to follow my lead. It is of the up most importance that one be able to differentiate between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is knowing/learning. Wisdom is being/doing. ALWAYS trust wisdom over knowledge.

In discovery, dedication, love, and sacrifice, Brett J.


  1. Nice dude! Keep it up. I'm also gonna do a day fast to experience it myself

  2. Looking forward to read about your progress. Good luck Brett!
