Friday, November 23, 2012

You break the laws of Nature; Nature will break you

Let’s start this off very clearly: The body has everything it needs to be healthy! If you are currently in a state of dis-ease or illness, guess who is to blame?? You are!! If you “happened” to get sick, 95% of the time it's not due to some virus, bacteria, or genetics. It's you. Ya, YOU. The one who decided to treat your body like a trashcan and feed it food-like substances instead of real food. The one who didn't get adequate sleep, spent all day indoors neglecting natural sunlight and somehow forgot the body is designed to MOVE. The one who consistently chose to focus on the negative rather than the positive, to gossip, and to circulate worry, stress, and fear around all those who come in contact with you. You broke the laws of nature, so nature naturally broke you.

Now, you can continue to live blindly and continue to play victim of the system or you can awaken to a new state of reality and self-responsibility. You can decide now to quit the blame game and live a life full of purpose, love, and joy. If the opportunity to do such was available, would you take it? Would you put in the work necessary to succeed? If not, expect little change in your life. If so, welcome to the new world paradigm.

If you decide to forge this new path toward self-realization, responsibility, and natural healthy living, I commend you. Be aware though that as you begin to break the field of mediocrity, you may be overwhelmed by a feeling of "stuckness”. You want to make moves, you want change, but you feel flat out stuck. Fortunately, I know a way out. If you are ready to break your bad habits and live within the laws of nature, I highly recommend you investigate Chiropractic. You may say, "What the hell does my neck and back pain have to do with awakening a shift in consciousness?" Well, glad you ask. The adjustment is not only a great remedy for neck pain, back pain, headaches, otitis media, colic, etc... But, it also has a HUGE effect on the brain. Cutting edge science is providing the proof of how an adjustment has the ability to affect how we think and help re-wire the daily programming we operate on.

The central nervous system (CNS) is adaptable throughout life. Changes in the afferent input lead to changes in CNS functioning. These plastic changes may occur in a manner that is positive for the individual, such as with motor learning to enable complex finger movement (e.g. playing the piano). This is known as adaptive neuroplasticity. Plastic changes may also occur in a manner that has negative outcomes, known as maladaptive neural plastic changes… Areas of spinal dysfunction, represent a state of altered afferent input which may be responsible for ongoing plastic changes including altered sensorimotor integration (SMI), disturbed motor output and functional performance. These maladaptive neural plastic changes may be normalized by a high velocity low amplitude manipulation.1

A better understood analogy can be used when you compare chiropractic to your very own electronic devices. What do you usually do when your computer starts getting sluggish, or your phone freezes? You reboot it right? Chiropractic acts as a reboot to the faulty wiring and firing of your nerve system.

Episodes of acute pain with injury, may induce plastic changes in the sensorimotor system including dysfunctional motor control of spinal joint segments, that is, the manipulable lesion that Doctors of Chiropractic treat. Cervical spinal manipulation may alter cortical integration of dual somatosensory input and help elucidate mechanisms responsible for pain relief and restoration.2

Chiropractic adjustments are a natural way to positively affect the brain without creating unintended negative consequences for the body. If you are stuck in "stinking thinking", don't rely on toxic pharmaceuticals such as anti-depressants to get you out of your funk. You can't correct the cause of mental toxicity with more toxicity. It's not even logical. How many people do you know on an anti-depressant say, "Man, I'm sure glad I took that Prozac, I’m never going to be depressed again.” Let me answer for you, none! The truth is they take it to "cope" because they gave up on their own body’s ability to heal itself naturally. They decided to go against the laws of nature and relinquish their self-responsibility and rely on some concoction a bio-chemist conjured up to UN-naturally chemically alter the brain. When we alter the brain in an un-natural way, you are left with a list of side-effects, such as: “mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, impulsive behavior, irritability, agitation, hostility, aggressiveness, restlessness, hyperactivity (mentally or physically), more depressed, thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself, severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash, very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, overactive reflexes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, feeling unsteady, loss of coordination; or headache, trouble concentrating, memory problems, weakness, confusion, hallucinations, fainting, seizure, shallow breathing or breathing that stops.” Ya, and that’s not even half the list.

So, maybe those people that chose toxic drugs over chiropractic just didn’t know better. Maybe they weren’t giving up but just didn’t know of a better way. Let me inform you that those that are awake take responsibility for their own actions. Those in the know choose chiropractic FIRST!

Abide by the laws of nature before nature breaks you. Eat well, move well, sleep well, think well, and begin to understand and experience all that regular chiropractic care has to offer. I hope by reading this article something may have just clicked for you. I hope that you found HOPE. And if you have, please share this article with all of your suffering and unaware loved ones. They need it just as much as you. 

Brett Jones
LCCW Student Council President and Health Center Intern

1)      Haavik H, Murphy B. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology xxx(2012)xxx-xxx. The role of manipulation in addressing disordered sensorimotor integration and altered motor control.
2)      Haavik Taylor H, PhD, BSC, Murphy B, PhD, DC. ACC-RAC Award Winning Paper. Altered central integration of dual somato-sensory input after cervical spine manipulation. JMPT 2010;33:178-88.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day #7 Fasting the body, Feeding the spirit

When looking back over the weekend and my final day of the fasting experience, I am left in complete and utter wonder. Nothing can replace what I just went through and NOBODY can break the faith I have in the body to heal by a natural means. Even still, I believe I have only scratched the surface of what we human beings are capable of when we are connected to source. 

On Friday, Day #7, I woke up early, meditated, and did my best to prepare for what would be my last 16 hours without food. It took everything I had to make it through the day but by the end it was all worth it. That night I was able to present my experience amongst my peers at "Step Into The Future." This speech is the culmination of the entire 7 day fast experience.

I am beyond thankful for all of the people in my life that supported me throughout the process. I'm especially thankful for my fiance' Kate. Not once did she ever tell me to quit, even if at moments she was terrified inside. When I asked her to perform with me, she stepped up without a hesitation. If anyone has proven to be an inspiration during this time, it's her.

Some Results: 
  • Lowest Blood Glucose: 56
  • Average Blood Glucose: 68
  • Start Weight: 210lbs.
  • End Weight: 188lbs. (loss of 22)
  • Bowel Movements: (2) Day 4 and (2) Day 7 
  • Urine Samples: Are being kept for 2 weeks to note changes in sedimentation, color, and clarity
  • Pictures:  Days 1-6
Day 1
Day 2

 Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6

Some updates from old posts:
*The rash on my back around the area of my kidneys has started to subside. 
 ** On day 5, I mentioned that I had one of the most terrifying events of my life... That morning, I woke up blind in left eye. The previous night I had fallen asleep shivering in a hypoglycemic state. Upon waking early that morning I noticed that my field of view was odd. I closed my left eye and everything appeared ok. I closed my right eye and there was total darkness. Insert, "Holy Shit", here. Had I gone too far? Should I rush downstairs and drink some juice? No, I decided to trust that everything was going to be ok. And, so far, it is. The nyctalopia (night blindness) I experienced in my left eye on the morning of day 5, lasted 20 minutes and has not re-occurred since then.

After 2 days of re-introducing food into my diet, I feel absolutely amazing. My energy was almost simultaneously restored after eating my first stewed tomato. Who would of known you could get so much energy from a tomato?!? My entire food paradigm has shifted. I already ate "clean", but this experience has completely blown the doors off at the way I look at food. 

What have I learned? I love life and want to live the most out of my own while inspiring others to do the same. I want love to emanate from my entire being! I know it's my personal legend to continually pour everything I got to push my limits and awaken all of those that surround me to live at their god given potential. 

In love, health, and LIFE, Brett J.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day # 6 Fasting the body, Feeding the Spirit

Went to bed a little past 10pm and was up at 3:30am. Somehow I felt rested. I woke up with gratitude. I woke up thankful for all the wonderful and amazing people I have in my life. I spent the better part of my morning returning some e-mails, messaging thanks, and then ended up writing a bad ass chiropractic article titled "Break the laws of Nature, Nature will break you." haha. Stoked for that to come out.

At about 5:00 am I had my first bowel movement in 5 days. I have no other way to describe it than with a picture... Well, I was going to show a picture but then got threatened by my fiance' not to. But, of course I totally took a picture and if that strikes your fancy just ask me and I'll send it to you. Basically, there was two little solid "terds" coated with this yellow stringy material. May be mucous of my gut lining. Whatever it is I'm glad it's gone and out of my system.

Last night after writing my blog I noticed a bi-lateral rash at the area of my kidney's on my back. It has
mostly subsided this morning. Here's a pic from last night.

Now, don't get too excited. According to Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and author of Fasting and Eating for Health, a mild rash is normal. Especially in the areas that are handling most of the detoxification (kidneys, lungs, liver).

Overall my energy feels much improved compared to yesterday. I felt a slight lift in personality and was able to joke around a little more. I was more like myself.

At 10:17am, I had 2nd bowel movement of the day! There I was standing in Pediatrics class and then, "Oh no, Get out of my Way!" Talk about a sudden rush that made you run. And oh yes, it was the runs. Holy cow did it smell awful. I could barely stand to be in the stall with myself. Wish I had smellavison on my phone. Or maybe not... Sorry I don't know why I think these things. Actually I know exactly why I do...

Sorry I'm not sorry about all the details of today. Just feel blessed that Kate saved you from the doodoo pic :)

The rest of my day has actually been quite chill. Got through my classes fine and had a great time in clinic. It may just be the calm before the storm...

Tomorrow is the final day!! Tomorrow night at school we are having an event where 14 student speakers from around the country will be speaking about life, health and chiropractic. I was lucky enough to be chosen to be one of those speakers. I will be presenting about... good guess, my fasting experience. My first meal of stewed tomatoes will be right after I get off stage. Don't know if I've ever been so excited to eat tomatoes of all things. haha.

If you would like to more know about the event please check out this link, Step Into The Future. There will be awesome speakers and free food. If your in the area, why would you miss it??

In doodoo, rashes, and the fart game "you'll learn one day son", Brett J.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day # 5 Fasting the Body, Feeding the spirit

Last night I went to bed shivering and cold. My body was unable to regulate heat. Kate did the very best she could to keep me warm by snuggling up next to me. She has been amazing throughout this whole experience and words can't describe how thankful I am to have her in my life. Whatever she did worked because this is the first night during the fast that I have had restful sleep. I went to bed at 11pm and did not wake up until 6am. However, what I discovered upon waking up has been one of the most terrifying moments of my life...

For the purpose of not not freaking out anyone else about my safety, at this moment I will withhold what happen until after the fast. If you are keen on intuit, this picture is a representation.
Following the take over of fear, I found myself repeating, "It's all going to be ok. I'm ok. I'm going to be ok." I have learned that where the mind goes, the body will follow. I had to think positive...

As I entered the school day I had a new awareness of my lower energy state. I began to realize my  limitations. I was mindful of each and every step I took, always making sure to not exceed my threshold. My whole demeanor has switched. I am in total conservation mode. I speak different, I sound different, I have surrendered to the source within. 

Time spent in the classroom was a much improved experience compared to yesterday. I was better able to focus and withstand the daily grind. The true test was going to be in clinic. I only needed to see 2 people, but would these people receive the very best I had to offer? Answer, one yes, the other... maybe. It was my momentary best, but the thought of an adjustment being possibly below the standard I hold for myself kills me inside....

On a positive note, what I did learn from this experience was that I am capable of serving to some capacity in even the most dire of circumstances. Even when food is withheld for over 100 hours, you can count on me to show up and give all I got when the opportunity presents itself. I would jump in front of a bullet for the love of my life and I would lay down my own for the greater good of humanity. I would sacrifice... myself.

Following the expenditure of energy from adjusting, I re-entered the hypoglycemic state. Body shake. Light headed. Nerves Rumbling and Jumbling. It's time to go home.

Upon leaving I ran into a fellow student who offered to check me. I'm so grateful for the healers that surround me. While working on me, she noticed that my kidney's, adrenals and liver were putting off some "interesting" tones....

It's 6:35pm. I have intense kidney pain. Go figure, Ha.

Within a couple minutes it all subsided. I'm home now and looking to call it an early night. I'm closer to the end than the beginning and that's a relieving thought. Must keep on keepin' on.

In love and sacrifice, Brett J.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day #4 Fasting the body, Feeding the Spirit

Went to bed a little before 11 and then was up @3am. Completely not tired. However, I was experiencing night terrors again which was the cause to my early rise. Fully documented it, not fun stuff.

I went to the bath to continue some reading.

Thought Flash #1, a fast may be a way to correct hormone imbalances. Something that may need to be looked into is the benefits of fasting for testosterone dominate females. The catabolic process of a fast may be able to provide a lasting switch up in hormone production. Possibly a reset button. 
"Privation of food first brings a sensation of hunger, occasionally some nervous stimulation... but it also determines certain hidden phenomena which are more important. The sugar of the liver and the fat of the subcutaneous deposits are mobilized, and also the proteins of the muscles and glands. All the organs sacrifice their own substances in order to maintain blood, heart, and brain in normal condition. Fasting purifies and profoundly modifies our tissues." -Dr. Alexis Carrel, Man, the Unknown
Throughout this process I have slowly noticed my own testosterone levels drop (I should measure this next time to confirm). What may be a decrease for muscle building potential at the moment, has allowed me connect to the "Yin" of my being. I actually feel more in balance. I speak slower and with more kindness.

5am. I'm no longer tired. I'm no longer hungry.

Got a text while at school this morning. My fiancee found the bottles of urine underneath the bed. And, they may or may not have been the bottles designated for wedding centerpieces. Needless to say, she is NOT happy. Oops :-/

I just officially hit the wall of Suck. Feeling low, real low. It's 10:30am. Maybe exercise and adjusting drills this am was a bad idea. Tested my blood sugar, it's definitely low. I needed to leave part of class and go lay down. There is a high level of nervousness radiating throughout my body. It feels like numbness and tingling accompanied with a slight body shiver. My skin is literally crawling and my abdominal aorta is beating so hard you can almost hear it.

I have to stay strong. Tonight I'm looking at a wedding venue w/ Kate. Don't want to let her down.

I'm doing my best to sleep during the lunch hour. The "nervousness" has now concentrated into my feet and hands.

Thought flash #2, there is a lot of time in the day when your not eating... I generally tend to spend a combined 2-3 hours per day in both preparing and consuming food.

Thought flash #3, there is something about 4's. It's day #4 and it has been the worst day of the fast by far. My football number was 44. Every time I won playing blackjack it was at a table of 4. I had three brothers making for a Jones household of 4 boys. Well was a household of 4 boys. The oldest of my brothers passed away at the age of 18. I've never fully let go of that outer attachment. He stays Inked up across my chest and back. He's with me everyday...  
My new world is surrounded by 3's. The Philosophy, Art, and Science of Chiropractic. Give, Love, Serve. Body, Mind, Soul. The triune of life. BGI Geometry and triangles. Etc... It seems there may be a gap between my past world of 4's and my new universe of 3's. A gap of One. A loss of One. Can this fasting experience allow me to let go of my brothers death externally yet hold him near and deep to my heart forever??

Emotions tend to tie strings and wrap us up. I believe that we search for life experiences that allow us to untie the knots. When we can bring full awareness to a past emotion and connect it to a new experience, it initiates the process of letting go.

It's almost 1pm. 85 hours in. I believe I have just now experienced real hunger.

I finished out the rest of the school day the best I could. Both my energy and strength were definitely drained. After school me and the fiance' made our way to the wedding venue. Awesome site, it may just be the one.

Following viewing the venue we met one of our friend's for a drink and a bite to eat... Well, they met for a drink and a bite to eat. I met for water :(

My sense for food has never been so strong. I am hungry, and I mean hungry. 389 in Oakland has African food on Tuesdays and it smelled and looked delicious.  

My will to fight on was definitely tested. But, it's been said, "A faith that can't be tested, can't be trusted."

Keeping the faith, Brett J.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day #3 Fasting the body, Feeding the spirit

It's 4:30am. I was woken up this morning with a full bladder and a dry mouth. My morning urination was somewhat painful and it felt as if I had to really focus on my core and squeeze to excrete the urine. I found it odd because I really had to pee... And I peed alot. Another first time feeling.

My mouth is dry and lips are starting to crack. There is also a tiny ulcer on the inside of my bottom right lip (I rarely get mouth ulcers unless I accidentally bit myself). My headache has also started to increase.

A drink of water has never tasted so good.

The day at school so far has been a series of ups and downs. I've been handling my business as usual but have definitely felt energy lacking at times. And then, at other times,  I have been running around like a maniac and doing foundation exercises and push-ups in class.

Whacked out crazy energy -> No energy. Acting silly --> Being calm and collected. Highs and lows without a doubt.

My adjusting in the health center has not seemed to suffer and I'm relieved that I'm still able to serve my tribe members w/ pure focus and speed. My palpation and detection of subluxation was on point. As soon as I laid my hands down, I was 100% focused no matter what my energy levels were. Each adjustment built on the last and I feel like I have learned more about my adjusting style than ever before.

I weighed myself today. Sorry, but I'm going to have to keep you waiting for results until the end of my fast. While writing this my stomache just started making the craziest sounds!! Sounds like a high pitched toy helicopter in there. Weird....

I finally made it home after a long day at school and clinic. So grateful for the "work" I get to do and life I am able to live.

My big realization of day #3 is...
I'm not attempting to get clearer on what I want to do, I'm becoming clearer on what I was made to do. 

In happiness, Brett J.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day #2 Fasting the body, Feeding the spirit

After falling asleep a little past midnight, I was woken up this morning with vivid dreams and vicious visions of my entire fast process. Illuminations of how it may end, the suffering, the reward, etc... More on that shall be discussed at a later date.

It's 6am and I have energy. I began to send emails and handle some business. Then I began to read... As I was reading I began to think, "why the hell am I inside reading when I could be outside breathing in some fresh air soaking up the California sunshine?" So... I went outside. Haha

While walking and reading at the park, a dog caught the corner of my eye. This dog was playing with other dogs and I thought nothing of it at the time. Later on, however, the other dogs left and the dog that originally caught my eye was still hanging around. Next, the dog (which has now earned the name "Mini-Lassie") came up to me and started chilling by my side. For a moment I felt like Ace Ventura when he was able to attract all of the animal kingdom.

But, what was it about me that attracted this animal to me? I had just been in the park minding my own business... As I surveyed the surroundings looking for an owner I found none. I continued to monitor the dog for the next hour and still no owner at sight. Mini-Lassie had no collar, was friendly, happy,  and looked healthy.

Rather than leave the dog and risk the danger of it being hit by a car, Mini-Lassie let me pick him up and we started going door to door looking for the rightful owners. No luck. A drive to the local coffee shop and around the neighborhood also left us with no clues or signs of "missing dog" signs to help lead us to his parents.

I've never found a lost dog before. Kind of odd that it happened day 2 of my first ever 7-day water fast. Preparing food for a stray dog while my very own stomach was beckoning for nourishment was a truly insightful and humbling experience. How many people would go hungry before a stray dog?? Hmmm... This fasting thing is getting interesting.

It's 1:30pm. I'm tired. 

It's 3:45pm. I took close to a 2 hour nap and was awakened by a foul taste in my mouth. I just made the first realization to why we have "hungry breath."The tongue can act as our "Magic Mirror" to what is going on in the intestinal tube.

A few days of fasting will coat the tongue with a thick, white, rancid, toxic material that has a terrible odor. This heavy coating of toxic material  can be scraped off and examined. In fast, you can scrape the tongue clean, but, in a few hours, the heavy toxic coating will return. It is an accurate indication of the amount of putrifying toxic filth, mucous, and many other poisons  accumulated in the cells of your entire body, which is now being eliminated from the inside surface of the stomach, intestines. and from all parts and organs of the body." -Patricia Bragg the miracle of FASTING
Before I rose out of bed from my nap I noticed an increase in my body temperature accompanied by a mild body shiver and moist skin. I also was experiencing a slight headache. I believe the purging has begun. I'm interested to see what my urine sample will look like at this point. I have a feeling my kidneys are filtering out some shit. At what level/degree I do not know yet.

While I was sleeping, my roommates took the dog to the vet. He was chipped and they were able to get a hold of the owners shortly. Not sure why Mini Lassie came into my life for a brief moment in time, but I'm sure glad he did. I'm going to miss that little guy.

In the evening I helped another one of my roommates build a desk. During that time there was a moment where I started to get nauseous and felt my mental clarity get sluggish. I took a quick 2-minute break from activity and upon return was able to finish the job.

I have also now decided to record my blood sugar during this process. I will begin to take two readings of my blood sugar (morning and evening), a morning urine sample, nightly photos, and of course journal my experience here on this blog. I have become quite the scientific social experiment :)

Tomorrow is a full day in school and clinic. It's time to "Keep the faith, turn the crank, and testify!"

48 hours down, Brett J.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Day #1 Fasting the body, Feeding the spirit

Today is the first day of my 7-day water fast. So, yes, for the next 7 days I will consume nothing other than water. This may initially sound crazy to some, but a little research will show that the act of fasting has been practiced throughout history for physical, mental, and spiritual enlightenment.

"The great philosopher, Pyhtagoras, required his disciples to undertake a fast for 40 days before they could be initiated into the mysteries of his occult philosophical teachings." - the miracle of FASTING

"In the great city of Alexandria, Egypt, in times when it was the educational center of the world... people had to fast for 40 days before they could enter and study with the master of that time." - the miracle of FASTING

Patriarchs within the Bible fasted frequently. David, Elijah, and Moses fasted for as long as 40 days. Jesus Christ himself fasted for 40 days before he began to teach the great truths of Life. Buddha took long fasts. Then of course there was Ghandi. Come on, we all know about Ghandi...

The purpose of my personal fast is to test the "miraculous power within the body." I want to test Vitalism. I want to test this mysterious something that animates the living world. If we really our more than just our mechanical body, I want to stop feeding the flesh and feed the spirit. I want to know what happens when spirit takes over. I want to know what happens when we tame the educated mind and allow for full expression of innate.

Currently, I am in my 23rd hour of Day 1. Luckily, in the past three weeks I have already completed three separate 24-hour fasts. At this point I feel quite adapted to the processes that have gone on throughout the day. I have had slight food cravings but I have been able to distinguish food cravings from real hunger. Cravings are conditioned from our environment. "You should eat 3 meals a day." "Eat every 2-3 hours." "When sick, make sure you eat something!" Really?? What if I'm not hungry? Eat anyway?

What if when we weren't hungry our body was actually trying to tell us we shouldn't eat?
You may have experienced in your life a time when you were suffering physically and felt no desire for food. Food even repulsed you.... kind but ignorant relatives or friends told you, you must "eat to keep up your strength". The very last thing you needed was food, because your subconscious mind was signaling you to stop eating. - the miracle of FASTING
23 hours down, 145 hours to go. I will post every day on my progress. I will be taking daily urine specimens to monitor toxins being excreted. I will also take a daily photo that will later be used to demonstrate how bloating, swelling and edema leave the system with sodium detoxification. Any and all support is welcomed unless it's in the form of discouragement. Mental toxification from others will not be accepted.

The book that is helping lead the way...

Please know that at this time I am not recommending to do what I do. I must first obtain WISDOM before I would ever tell anyone else to follow my lead. It is of the up most importance that one be able to differentiate between wisdom and knowledge. Knowledge is knowing/learning. Wisdom is being/doing. ALWAYS trust wisdom over knowledge.

In discovery, dedication, love, and sacrifice, Brett J.

Friday, November 9, 2012

FOD #5 Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is not just something that swelled Barry Bond's head like a wet tampon...

When the medical world first discovered the pituitary gland produced Human Growth Hormone, they thought had found an anti-aging miracle hormone. We would later find out that artificially injected HGH can lead to several side effects such as: Barry's big ol' head, swelling due to fluid in the body's tissues (edema), carpal tunnel syndrome, numbness and tingling of the skin, high cholesterol levels, and even increase the risk of diabetes and contribute to the growth of cancerous tumors. 

However, when produced naturally HGH is known to have amazing benefits. "HGH promotes and increases the synthesis of new protein tissues, such as in muscle recovery or repair. This is the way new muscle is built.  Recent research suggests its involvement in the metabolism of body-fat and its conversion to energy sources. Tests were conducted in obese people and medical use in treating obesity was proven beyond a doubt. It improves the sleeping pattern, makes for less unintended awakenings and betters REM-stage sleep. It may improve sexual performance. It builds stronger bones and has been known to produce better energy levels." -

So how can one help the production of HGH naturally?  

Here are the Top 3 Ways:

  1. Deep sleep.
  2. Exercise - Especially interval and burst training.
  3. Hypoglycemia - Don't eat sweets before bed! Your blood sugar needs to be low during bedtime in order to maximize HGH production throughout the night. 
If you can do those three things you'll be looking like this guy in no time! hahaha

In growth, Brett J.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

FOD #4 The label "Organic" pretty much just means "Real Food"

Current society tends to view a food labeled "Organic" as specialty item... Ummm, I don't think so people! All "Organic" means is Real Food... Which basically means food that has not been genetically modified, treated with hormones, covered in herbicides and pesticides, or any other toxic substance some bio-chemist can come up to make your food artificially taste better and cost less to produce. What people fail to notice is that toxins stress the body's metabolic and endocrine functions. In the long run it cost wayyy more money to be sick than to be healthy. Do yourself a favor and invest in Real Food. Demand Real Food. Vote for Real Food.

But don't just take my word for it, check out some of these documentaries available on Netflix:
1) Forks Over Knives
2) Food Inc.
3) Food Matters

A great e-book is Sean Croxton's The Dark Side of Fat Loss.

In Keeping it Real, Brett J.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

FOD #3 Dr. Katina Manning is a Bad Ass

This past weekend I was able to attend BGI-3 in Chicago. BGI stands for Bio-Geometric Integration and is an approach within chiropractic that uses the sacred geometry of the body to access stored potential within a living system. What makes it different? "BGI is different in many ways. Here are a few of the key differences. BGI presents a new paradigm in chiropractic by integrating contemporary, nonlinear science with the vitalistic philosophy of chiropractic, bringing an understanding of mastery to the art of chiropractic. Clinically it provides an opportunity to deepen the chiropractor’s hands-on skills, no matter the technique utilized. BGI presents a geometric model of the body, incorporating concepts of tensegrity, biodynamics, and force dynamics, that allows to practitioner to work with the body as an integrated whole, refining the adjustment, and increasing the overall effectiveness." -

At this seminar I received one of the best adjustments of my life from Dr. Katina Manning. Following the adjustment I was able to snag this interview for Adjusting Ninjas...

I highly recommend you check her out. She's a Bad Ass. Plain and simple.

With gratitude, Brett J.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FOD #2 The Golden Rule... It's Golden

Most of us have heard the Golden Rule,"treat others as you would like to be treated." But, how Golden is the Golden Rule? Let's look at what some of the world's religions have to say about it.
  1. Buddhism: Hurt no others in way that you yourself would find hurtful. (Udana-Varga 5,1)
  2. Christianity:  All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye so to them; for this is the law of the prophets. (Matthew 7:11)
  3. Confucianism:  Do not do to others what you would not like yourself. Then there will be no resentment against you either in the family or in the state. (Analects 12:2)
  4. Hinduism: This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you. (Mahabharata 5:1517)
  5. Islam:  No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself. (Sunnah)
  6. Judaism:  What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary. (Talmud, Shabbat 3id)
  7. Taois:  Regard your neighbor’s gain as your gain, and your neighbor’s loss as your own loss. ( Tai Shang Kan Yin P’ien)
  8. Zoroastrianism:  That Nature alone is good which refrains from doing another whatsoever is not good for itself. (Dadisten-I-dinik, 94:5)
 *Taken from

If you have come to the realization that we are all ONE, the Golden Rule makes perfect sense. We should not treat others different than we would be like to be treated because they are part of us and we are part of them. By loving and serving our fellow brother and sister we contribute to humanity and increase our very own karmic field.

Living by the Golllldddden Rule, Brett J.