Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day # 6 Fasting the body, Feeding the Spirit

Went to bed a little past 10pm and was up at 3:30am. Somehow I felt rested. I woke up with gratitude. I woke up thankful for all the wonderful and amazing people I have in my life. I spent the better part of my morning returning some e-mails, messaging thanks, and then ended up writing a bad ass chiropractic article titled "Break the laws of Nature, Nature will break you." haha. Stoked for that to come out.

At about 5:00 am I had my first bowel movement in 5 days. I have no other way to describe it than with a picture... Well, I was going to show a picture but then got threatened by my fiance' not to. But, of course I totally took a picture and if that strikes your fancy just ask me and I'll send it to you. Basically, there was two little solid "terds" coated with this yellow stringy material. May be mucous of my gut lining. Whatever it is I'm glad it's gone and out of my system.

Last night after writing my blog I noticed a bi-lateral rash at the area of my kidney's on my back. It has
mostly subsided this morning. Here's a pic from last night.

Now, don't get too excited. According to Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and author of Fasting and Eating for Health, a mild rash is normal. Especially in the areas that are handling most of the detoxification (kidneys, lungs, liver).

Overall my energy feels much improved compared to yesterday. I felt a slight lift in personality and was able to joke around a little more. I was more like myself.

At 10:17am, I had 2nd bowel movement of the day! There I was standing in Pediatrics class and then, "Oh no, Get out of my Way!" Talk about a sudden rush that made you run. And oh yes, it was the runs. Holy cow did it smell awful. I could barely stand to be in the stall with myself. Wish I had smellavison on my phone. Or maybe not... Sorry I don't know why I think these things. Actually I know exactly why I do...

Sorry I'm not sorry about all the details of today. Just feel blessed that Kate saved you from the doodoo pic :)

The rest of my day has actually been quite chill. Got through my classes fine and had a great time in clinic. It may just be the calm before the storm...

Tomorrow is the final day!! Tomorrow night at school we are having an event where 14 student speakers from around the country will be speaking about life, health and chiropractic. I was lucky enough to be chosen to be one of those speakers. I will be presenting about... good guess, my fasting experience. My first meal of stewed tomatoes will be right after I get off stage. Don't know if I've ever been so excited to eat tomatoes of all things. haha.

If you would like to more know about the event please check out this link, Step Into The Future. There will be awesome speakers and free food. If your in the area, why would you miss it??

In doodoo, rashes, and the fart game "you'll learn one day son", Brett J.

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