Wednesday, March 21, 2012

GMO's Oh No: An Interview on Nutrition

Interview by Vanessa Cloyd
1. Do you believe GE foods are safe? Two answers. Short term, GM foods are safe enough to pass on to most unsuspecting typical American consumers. Meaning that you are not going to get ill from these foods immediately. Just like a Big Mac won't kill you right away. In fact most of these foods taste delicious due to the chemical taste enhancers (msg, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup etc...)  The problem lies with long term use. Most of these GM seeds and crops are raped of their nutrition and can disturb digestion by altering the natural state of which once was  real food. *Nearly 1/2 of Americans report having some sort of digestive illness.
2. Would you recommend your patients to avoid GE food? Absolutely. If i had to give a basic guide for choosing food it would be these 8 rules taken from The Dark Side of Fat Loss by Sean Croxton  1) If it wasn't here 10,000 years ago, don't eat it. 2) If it's in the media, it's probably bad for you. 3) If you can't pronounce the ingredients, don't eat it. 4) If your great-grandmother didn't eat it, you probably shouldn't either. 5) If it comes in a box or a bag, don't eat it. 6) If your dog won't eat it, you shouldn't either. 7) If it doesn't spoil, don't eat it. [Check out this link, The World's First Bionic Burger]  8) If it's been sprayed with chemicals, don't eat it.
3. As someone who doesn't eat GE food, have you noticed any physical changes with your body? Yes, big changes. As I cleaned up my diet to more of a Paleo/Real Food diet excess fat around my flanks finally disappeared. The love handles that I thought was just my body type was more likely excess fat storage due to endocrine disruption caused by chemically infested and altered foods. These foods can create a chemical related stress response and actually start to throw off your hormone balance. Not only will effects be seen physically, but mentally, and emotionally as well (depression, anxiety, decreased libido, etc..) Some links have been drawn to phytoestrogens (plant-derived xenoestrogens functioning as the primary female sex hormone) and the current trend for early onset of menses in young women and even breast cancer. When it comes to men, check out this documentary about how toxins are interfering with the male reproductive system, The Disapperaing Male.
4. How long have you been on a natural, organic diet? How do you feel? Would you say better or worse when you were eating processed food? I've been mainly eating Organic for about a year and a half which is basically ever since I started Chiropractic school and began to be exposed to the truth on what health really was. Our bodies were designed to function at a natural state of health. Disruption of that natural state is what brings dis-ease to the body. So when we are not properly aligned or we intake foods that have been modified form their natural state, we can expect the dis-ease process to follow. This natural concept of health is frequently overshadowed by pharmaceutical companies pushing their drugs via mass media. The U.S. and New Zealand are the only two countries in the world that allow advertisement of prescription meds on national television. Big Pharma would like you to believe that health comes from the outside-in and can be found in a pill. The truth, on the contrary, is actually the exact opposite. Health is within us all and is expressed from the inside-out. In that idea lies empowerment. In that idea lies truth. In that idea lies health. So, to answer the last part of your question, since I've made the shift of concepts and the shift in diet, I feel AMAZING!!
5. 90% of foods in our grocery stores contain either GE corn or GE soybean, what was/is your hardest obstacle to eat healthy despite GE foods being everywhere and in everything? The biggest obstacle in eating healthy in a world of GMO's is the lack of convenience. 99% of fast food chains and restaurants produce absolute garbage. This means you are going to need to spend some extra time in the kitchen whippin' up your own meals. I've learned that preparation is key. Try to make food for the entire day so you are not frequently preparing individual meals. I also highly recommend finding a like-minded buddy or group to swap meals with. At my school I'm part of a little lunch club of four people where each individual takes turns bringing meals for the other three. So, 3/5 days during the week my lunch is brought by someone else. Kinda like mom packing your lunch in the good ol' days... :)  
 Three Things to leave you with:
 1) Convenience is killer of souls. You wanna step your game up, step up your work load.
 2) Take control of your own health. Ask questions. Find Truths.
    3) Health and healing comes from the inside-out. It knows no other way. Get that big idea and else will follow.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The biggest limit you have in this world, is the one residing in your mind

Just Go!! Systems Launch!! Ready the Torpedo!! Fire Motha Fucka!!

Excuse my language but I had a mini epiphany this morning... I have to just DO. I hadn't wrote in awhile because there are so many ideas constantly rushing through my mind and it's in my head that I have to present this "perfect" idea in this pretty little box to be accepted. One word, WRONG!! When on a journey to mastery, we are in a state of constant evolution. We are always working towards the next goal, sharpening our skill set and re-defining "possible".

My big realization is this, just because we are not exactly at the level of expertise we may eventually see ourselves being at, does NOT mean we should hold back our services or creative expression. The truth is, there is beauty in so many different forms and stages of development. What's most important is operating from a state of REAL. It's not about the presentation, it's about people getting to see the REAL,RAW, GRIMEY and TRUE you. In the state of real, your INNATE/INBORN wisdom takes over. Life is expressed THROUGH you rather than from you. NOTHING is more beautiful than that... REMOVE the FACADE.

So, no more holding back. I'm making a commitment to post a blog again every week. It may not be perfect, but it will continually be my maximum expression in that given moment. DC  Sid E. Williams once said, "Success is not necessarily reaching your goals, but reaching your maximum potential in light of your opportunities." One of the four agreements is, "Always do your Best." That best is along a different scale for many people, but the RESPECT comes from giving it everything you have.

Again, I really would like to emphasize that we should not hold back our services or creative expression in fear of judgement. Wherever we are in development, there is something to be shared with somebody. My greatest example of this is the mission trip I took to El Salvador as a 3rd quarter chiropractic student. People thought I was crazy and not ready to serve people with chiropractic care. But, I worked my ass off preparing for that trip so that the people of El Salvador were getting my absolute best. On my  last day of service, a 91 year old woman was laid on my table with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. She could not close her hand and had been in excruciating pain for the last three years. Instead of seeing this as a major challenge, I approached it as an opportunity. An opportunity for SOURCE to work through me. I got out of my head and accepted that I had prepared my vessel to the best of my availability. What would come through would come through... Following completion of the adjustment, this woman told me it was the best she had felt in three years. In THREE YEARS!! She may have never experienced this joyous relief if I would of held back my services because, "I wasn't ready."

Tell me I can't do something, I'll tell you, "WATCH ME... Motha Fucka ;)"

Don't hold back. Don't Fear Judgement. Fire the Torpedoes!!

In Love and Chiropractic, future Dr. J