Friday, June 24, 2011


My deceased older brother would be thirty today. It’s a fact hard to believe when he left this world at the age of eighteen; an age that I used to think of as old but which now I have far surpassed. On this bitter-sweet day there is one word staining my thoughts ... POTENTIAL. Potential is a latent excellence or ability that may not yet be developed. Ryan had a ton of it, and yet he will never get the opportunity to express it or let it be felt by others here on earth. As sad as it is to think about, I also believe it to be a constant reminder that we can do better. Strive for more. Fight for more. Love, more.

As proof of many of loved ones lost at a young age, we never know when it’s going to be our time to go. What we can do is make sure that we take the steps to actually LIVE our lives and not just exist. For those who truly live are on the pursuit of fulfilling their dreams and accomplishing their goals while never resisting the opportunity to better thy self. To go through life in pure existence would be to settle and miss the chance to make a positive impact on those in your surroundings. If life can be short, is it not better to live tall?

We must transmute the potential energy inside of us into a kinetic, flowing representation of life. We must pursue our ideals, connect to our potential, and live the life we’ve always wanted. If the concept of fear may be what is holding us back, how relevant is fear when we are dead and gone?  

I hope this serves some purpose to those who stumble upon it. Don’t give up. We all cycle thru our ups and downs but the importance is in how hard we come back fighting. Be defiant in failure in order to triumph in success.

R.I.P Ryan, Love Brett