Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Chiropractic,

From the moment I met you, I knew you were something special. You were beautiful no doubt, and others definitely acknowledged it, but I knew there was something more to you than some superficial pain relief. It was something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I had to know more and I knew that I could happily  spend my life trying to get closer to you.

I first caught your essence as a perspective student at Life Chiropractic College West. You completely blindsided me. Others had told me that you were “simple”. They told me that you were strictly used for musculo-skeletal conditions and I should not waste my time trying to get to know you. “Stick to the evidence” they said. And at first, I almost believed them. Then you blessed me with the best gift anyone has ever given me. You shared with me your wisdom, your philosophy. You didn’t know it at the time, but after that first conversation, you connected me back to a part of me that had been dormant and dis-connected for so long.

Before you came along, I had lost faith in myself and faith in life. I didn’t know my place in the world. I felt as if I had little purpose. You were the first one who actually listened to me. Actually let me express myself. Let me explore my creative side. You taught me that everything I would ever need was already inside. All the answers to life I had been searching for, resided within as my innate intelligence. You gave me my power back by restoring my belief in myself. I will never forget all the hours that we spent talking in to the wee hours of the night.

You were emotionally shut down for a long time, but I can still remember the first time that you exposed your heart… when you revealed your art. Others had taken advantage of you in the past. They used you for your good looks. And that kills me. I wish I could have protected you… It’s not your fault and I hope you know that. It’s them who missed out. They never got to see your true beauty. They never got to see what a loving individual you were and how much you have to offer this world. Unlike them, I DO see your potential. I promise to stand by your side. I promise to be your companion in mastery. I will never give you anything less than my best. I will honor you with every adjustment I give. From now and forever.

It still astounds me when you expose more and more of yourself through the quantum field of science. Your love seems limitless. I can never know enough about you and cherish the ability to grow closer to you every day. There is such a beauty in the little details about you. Anatomy, neurology, bio-mechanics…. I could study you for a lifetime.

You mean the world to me chiropractic. As long as I live, I will keep this relationship and the principle strong. I will fight for you. I would die for you. I love you. Thank you,
Brett J.