Friday, April 13, 2012

Walk Your Talk

At it again with a new video series titled, "Walk Your Talk". This series is all about sharing the chiropractic life philosophy with the public. The plan is to post a new volume every week with a theme of conversation followed by the ACTION of actually putting it into play. Here are two vids I've already completed....

The following article was just written for Life Chiropractic College West's  Lifelines newspaper.

 Walk Your Talk: The People Are Waiting
by Brett Jones
As a 7th quarter student I’ve heard the chiropractic message thousands upon thousands of times. It’s in all my conversations, all my thoughts, and usually told in creative and well-spun ways by most of my colleagues and friends. I love the chiropractic story and I’m enthralled to hear it again and again. However, this message usually stays within the same social networks and mainly just amongst other chiropractors. This needs to change.

If we have this life transforming philosophy and outlook on life, why are we keeping it to ourselves? How can we go to these big awe-inspiring seminars, get pumped up, and then during breaks only mingle with the same people that were just at the seminar? Why are we even having seminars that don’t include the public? Is it not the people that need to hear it? These questions consistently plague my mind as I continue my journey through chiropractic school. The more I dive into these questions there is a recurring answer; talk less and DO more. It’s time to walk the talk.

As stated by Eleanor Roosevelt, “Do one thing every day that scares you.” If you are scared of talking to strangers, it’s time to attack your fears. Periods of personal growth occur by stepping outside of your comfort zone. If this was your last week alive, would a moment of discomfort detour you away from sharing an idea that has the potential to change someone’s life forever? I sure hope not. Let’s deliver the message and deliver it well.

One of the biggest problems I’ve encountered when attempting to relay the chiropractic message to the public is that there is just so much I want to tell them. With our heavy class load and all of the information constantly being pounded into our heads, it can be quite difficult to deliver a clear and concise message on the fly. Often when we do speak, and end up getting something out – it’s one big hot mess of information. It’s like we “word vomit” all over people. We LOSE them at hello. Insert glassy eyed stare here. Problem identified, now on to the solution.

In order to be the communicators we want to be, we should create a specific and simple theme of conversation each week for what we want to talk about. Then when the opportunity to tell someone about the benefits of chiropractic care presents itself we can be better prepared. We must figure out how to open the conversation, know what we want to talk about, and make sure that it all can be relayed to the layperson. None of the big mumbo-jumbo grad level words accomplish anything if the person we’re talking to doesn’t understand it. Remember, it’s about them and we are here to SERVE.
We are also here to cause a paradigm shift in health and healing. In order to do so, we need to break out of our little boxes and tell the PEOPLE! French novelist Victor Hugo once said, “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”  The time for chiropractic’s Big Idea has come but it’s up to us to deliver it. Walk your talk.

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