Saturday, March 5, 2011

I got the Flava for the Fever

Ordinarily, popular medicine would tell you the fever is  a "warning sign" to infection and that you need to administer meds to cut the fever. The truth is that we NEED that FEVER. The increase in heat draws more white blood cells out of the blood vessels and into lymph tissue, which is exactly where they need to be to fight off incoming pathogens.
In "layman's terms", the Fever is a machine gun for killing Nazi's (incoming pathogens). The bullets are white blood cells. If you take the fever away then you're firing with a pistol. They both kill Nazi's but you get a lot more bang for your buck with a machine gun. I don't know about you but I think I'd rather be firing a machine gun. Them Nazi's are shifty bastards....

On another note, four days ago I did get sick and I decided to put my philosophy to the test. Day one started with some head pressure and congestion. Day two I began to feel feverish...(Remember, WE WANT THIS!!). Day three I was feeling the worst but later in the day I got a killer adjustment by my boy John Hatch. Day four (today) I woke up in a complete body sweat and was wrapped up like a cocoon in my blankets. Again, this is a good thing. I had sweated out whatever I needed to get rid of and I am now feeling near 100%!! I even went on a 5 mile run (ballin!! I know).

I'll have you know that it had been 6 months since I've been sick. This is quite the accomplishment given my schedule. In addition to the 31 units of class I'm in this quarter, I had also been working out and training for a fight 3 hours a day. Prior to chiro school I would have got sick every other week. I thought it was just part of the game. I thought that if you put your body under that much stress it's just bound to get sick. However, I know better now. I know that a properly functioning nervous system will increase your immune system and in order to have a healthy nervous system there needs to be proper transmission of nerve impulse. Interference by means of subluxation (a vertebrae that has shifted out of place) will disrupt this nerve impulse leading to incoordination an dys-ease. So... Go get adjusted duhhh.

In summary...
*After 3 days of sickness I am back to health with NO meds.
*The power that made the body will heal the body.
*Fever is a natural defense mechanism against incoming pathogens.
*Machine guns good, pistols not so good :)
---(Please note a continuous fever lasting more than a few days does require more medical attention)---

In Killing Nazi's, future Dr. J

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