Friday, November 23, 2012

You break the laws of Nature; Nature will break you

Let’s start this off very clearly: The body has everything it needs to be healthy! If you are currently in a state of dis-ease or illness, guess who is to blame?? You are!! If you “happened” to get sick, 95% of the time it's not due to some virus, bacteria, or genetics. It's you. Ya, YOU. The one who decided to treat your body like a trashcan and feed it food-like substances instead of real food. The one who didn't get adequate sleep, spent all day indoors neglecting natural sunlight and somehow forgot the body is designed to MOVE. The one who consistently chose to focus on the negative rather than the positive, to gossip, and to circulate worry, stress, and fear around all those who come in contact with you. You broke the laws of nature, so nature naturally broke you.

Now, you can continue to live blindly and continue to play victim of the system or you can awaken to a new state of reality and self-responsibility. You can decide now to quit the blame game and live a life full of purpose, love, and joy. If the opportunity to do such was available, would you take it? Would you put in the work necessary to succeed? If not, expect little change in your life. If so, welcome to the new world paradigm.

If you decide to forge this new path toward self-realization, responsibility, and natural healthy living, I commend you. Be aware though that as you begin to break the field of mediocrity, you may be overwhelmed by a feeling of "stuckness”. You want to make moves, you want change, but you feel flat out stuck. Fortunately, I know a way out. If you are ready to break your bad habits and live within the laws of nature, I highly recommend you investigate Chiropractic. You may say, "What the hell does my neck and back pain have to do with awakening a shift in consciousness?" Well, glad you ask. The adjustment is not only a great remedy for neck pain, back pain, headaches, otitis media, colic, etc... But, it also has a HUGE effect on the brain. Cutting edge science is providing the proof of how an adjustment has the ability to affect how we think and help re-wire the daily programming we operate on.

The central nervous system (CNS) is adaptable throughout life. Changes in the afferent input lead to changes in CNS functioning. These plastic changes may occur in a manner that is positive for the individual, such as with motor learning to enable complex finger movement (e.g. playing the piano). This is known as adaptive neuroplasticity. Plastic changes may also occur in a manner that has negative outcomes, known as maladaptive neural plastic changes… Areas of spinal dysfunction, represent a state of altered afferent input which may be responsible for ongoing plastic changes including altered sensorimotor integration (SMI), disturbed motor output and functional performance. These maladaptive neural plastic changes may be normalized by a high velocity low amplitude manipulation.1

A better understood analogy can be used when you compare chiropractic to your very own electronic devices. What do you usually do when your computer starts getting sluggish, or your phone freezes? You reboot it right? Chiropractic acts as a reboot to the faulty wiring and firing of your nerve system.

Episodes of acute pain with injury, may induce plastic changes in the sensorimotor system including dysfunctional motor control of spinal joint segments, that is, the manipulable lesion that Doctors of Chiropractic treat. Cervical spinal manipulation may alter cortical integration of dual somatosensory input and help elucidate mechanisms responsible for pain relief and restoration.2

Chiropractic adjustments are a natural way to positively affect the brain without creating unintended negative consequences for the body. If you are stuck in "stinking thinking", don't rely on toxic pharmaceuticals such as anti-depressants to get you out of your funk. You can't correct the cause of mental toxicity with more toxicity. It's not even logical. How many people do you know on an anti-depressant say, "Man, I'm sure glad I took that Prozac, I’m never going to be depressed again.” Let me answer for you, none! The truth is they take it to "cope" because they gave up on their own body’s ability to heal itself naturally. They decided to go against the laws of nature and relinquish their self-responsibility and rely on some concoction a bio-chemist conjured up to UN-naturally chemically alter the brain. When we alter the brain in an un-natural way, you are left with a list of side-effects, such as: “mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, impulsive behavior, irritability, agitation, hostility, aggressiveness, restlessness, hyperactivity (mentally or physically), more depressed, thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself, severe blistering, peeling, and red skin rash, very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, overactive reflexes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, feeling unsteady, loss of coordination; or headache, trouble concentrating, memory problems, weakness, confusion, hallucinations, fainting, seizure, shallow breathing or breathing that stops.” Ya, and that’s not even half the list.

So, maybe those people that chose toxic drugs over chiropractic just didn’t know better. Maybe they weren’t giving up but just didn’t know of a better way. Let me inform you that those that are awake take responsibility for their own actions. Those in the know choose chiropractic FIRST!

Abide by the laws of nature before nature breaks you. Eat well, move well, sleep well, think well, and begin to understand and experience all that regular chiropractic care has to offer. I hope by reading this article something may have just clicked for you. I hope that you found HOPE. And if you have, please share this article with all of your suffering and unaware loved ones. They need it just as much as you. 

Brett Jones
LCCW Student Council President and Health Center Intern

1)      Haavik H, Murphy B. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology xxx(2012)xxx-xxx. The role of manipulation in addressing disordered sensorimotor integration and altered motor control.
2)      Haavik Taylor H, PhD, BSC, Murphy B, PhD, DC. ACC-RAC Award Winning Paper. Altered central integration of dual somato-sensory input after cervical spine manipulation. JMPT 2010;33:178-88.

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