Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sid E. Willaims 49 Breaths

One of the most important pieces of being apart of The Source Chiropractic are the educational pieces that elevate your consciousness. Today we want to share with you Dr Sid E William's 49 Breaths Meditation.

“49 Breaths” is a series of breaths that are followed by affirmations. This form of meditation originated from Dr. Sid E. Williams D.C., the creator of the Dynamic Essentials Meeting , and it is designed to energize the spirit and connect the physical body back to the source within.

To Begin: Start seated at the edge of your chair, with shoes off and feet connected to the ground. Place your hands gently on your knees palms up and close your eyes. Set your intention for your meditative practice and acknowledge the time you have set aside to give back to yourself. When you are ready, place your palms down and begin the series of breaths. The breaths are done in through the nose and out through the mouth. When breathing in bring your head up and back as if looking at the sky or the ceiling and puff your belly out and with the breath out bringing your head down as if looking at your belly or chin to chest and pull your belly in. The breaths are broken up into 4 series each with affirmations in between. The palms are down for the breaths and palms are up and spirit is open during the affirmations.

· 7 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· End w/ a deep inhale followed by a big sweeping sigh or “Om”

Here is a sample pattern of affirmations you can use filling in the blank with anything you want to bring focus to in your life i.e. Love, light, power, strength….

I am ______
I do not have to become ______
I am _____
______dwells in me
Every cell of my body is filled with _______

I am love
I do not have to become love
I am love
I am peace
And peace dwells in me
I am strength
Every cell of my body is strong
I do not have to become strong
I am strong in the right places

We want to invite you to try to do these breaths every day for the next 2 weeks and see what opens up in your life. Dr Sid recommends doing it 3 times a day ... but we can work up to that.

Love and Appreciate you. Come Get Connected at The Source.
-Dr. J And Dr. M
To view the rest of our weekly newsletter #2 please click link below: https://www.smore.com/vbg4-the-source-chiropractic?ref=email


The Source Chiropractic Weekly Newsletter #1

Life Chiropractic College West intern Melissa Crago and myself  have teamed up to bring you a weekly newsletter and The Source Chiropractic the practice opening in January of 2014!

Please click the link below to be directed to Newsletter #1

Much love, Brett J.