One of the most important pieces of being apart of The Source Chiropractic are the educational pieces that elevate your consciousness. Today we want to share with you Dr Sid E William's 49 Breaths Meditation.
“49 Breaths” is a series of breaths that are followed by affirmations. This form of meditation originated from Dr. Sid E. Williams D.C., the creator of the Dynamic Essentials Meeting , and it is designed to energize the spirit and connect the physical body back to the source within.
· 7 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· 14 Breaths -> Affirmations
· End w/ a deep inhale followed by a big sweeping sigh or “Om”
Here is a sample pattern of affirmations you can use filling in the blank with anything you want to bring focus to in your life i.e. Love, light, power, strength….
I am ______
I do not have to become ______
I am _____
______dwells in me
Every cell of my body is filled with _______
I am love
I do not have to become love
I am love
I am peace
And peace dwells in me
I am strength
Every cell of my body is strong
I do not have to become strong
I am strong in the right places
We want to invite you to try to do these breaths every day for the next 2 weeks and see what opens up in your life. Dr Sid recommends doing it 3 times a day ... but we can work up to that.

Love and Appreciate you. Come Get Connected at The Source.
-Dr. J And Dr. M
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