Wednesday, October 31, 2012

QOD #3 How do you fight fear??

Answer: "You Find Love." - Dr. Sid E. Williams

I'm keeping this one short and sweet tonight. This idea will be expanded upon tomorrow when answering the next QOD.

Big Ups to DC Student Matt Pennetti for posting his awesome explanation to this question, "Fear is fought by exercising faith and courage. By being an alchemist of our emotions we can choose to change the vibration of fear more towards the energy of faith and courage."

Hope everyone had an amazing Halloween!

QOD #2 Do we find purpose or does purpose find us?

I believe its best to start this question with defining what purpose means. Purpose can simply be defined as the WHY behind your actions. Purpose is a form of intention. It’s what motivates and inspires you to do whatever it is that you do.

So, how do we find our life’s purpose? Or does purpose find us?

Answer: Purpose… IS

Purpose needs not be found or discovered. Purpose… Just IS. We are born with everything we need. We are born with purpose. From the moment we burst out of the womb we are innately driven to strive towards life. Newborns have numerous intelligently designed reflexes such as grasping, rooting, and even a little baby swim action that helps ensure survival. The wisdom of the Universe that provides order in the world is the same wisdom that animates the living being. As we discussed in the first QOD, the reason we are here in this Universe is to show compassion, use the lives we live to increase the field of human potential, and give, love, and serve for the greater good of humanity.

Now, let me propose the notion that purpose is never actually lost, but instead, just gets more and more covered up by bullshit. It’s our job to shed the bullshit or “peel the layers” so to speak. Most the layers covering up our inner purpose reside within the sub-conscious programming that was established during our development. Unfortunately, today most of this programming comes from a broken system. A system that dictates and drives the behavior of society but has proven to be no longer sustainable. What’s really sad is that most people don’t even realize they are letting their life be run by these auto-pilot programs. As a nation, we have begun to live blindly, adide by a social norm, and seldom ask questions. $4.70 for a gallon of gas… OK!! Less recess and more Adderol for school children… Ok!! $1 cheeseburgers and $2 for a head of spinach… Ok!! Eating chickens grown in dark houses that can’t even walk because their breasts are too enlarged from hormone-therapy… Ok!!

We need to stop saying “Ok” and insert “WTF.” There would be more people in the world who knew their purpose if they began to use those powerful 3 letters. The depth of our questions determine the depth of our actions.

Purpose Is. Peel the layers. Shed the bullshit. And as always, Begin Now.

In Lasting Purpose, Brett Jones

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

QOD #1 Why are we here in this Universe?

Answer: To show compassion, use the lives we live to increase the field of human potential, and give, love, and serve for the greater good of humanity.

The major premise of life is that we are all ONE. It does not matter whether you believe in creation or evolution, they both have one common key element… in the beginning there was ONE. In the creation/theological model the ONE is GOD. In the evolution/scientific model the ONE was the vastness of ELECTRONS. In the creation model, “The spirit of God moved over the void. God then created the sea. Then the sun. Then the earth with its minerals. Then the vegetation. Then animal life. Then human life.” In the evolution model, Electrons came together and then dispersed, slowly evolving their way to human consciousness. They both sound similar ayy?

The truth is, at the core of everything WE ARE ALL ENERGY. Pure. Bad Ass. Atomic Energy.  What differentiates us from one another is how this energy expresses through matter. We may have different compositions of matter, but we all draw from the same energy source. Now, if you can except this major premise that we are one and come from one source, then please continue on. If not, then my further deductive reasoning will be wasted in vain.

The One/Collective Consciousness is always moving towards LOVE and a greater expression of itself. Many think that the human race is already the ultimate expression of itself, but trust me, we have a long way to go. According to Bruce Lipton PH.D, “We might be tempted to think the current sentient human organism represents the fully tweaked evolutions end point. But, in reality, the human is actually at the beginning of the next and higher level of evolution, the emergent multi-human super organism known as humanity.”

In order to reach this next level of “humanity” it is important to understand our second major premise, Life Loves Life. For as long as you are breathing, there is an innate force inside you that will do anything and everything to keep you alive. This innate intelligence will sacrifice limbs, shunt blood to internal organs under extreme temperatures, and even has the ability to grant you super human strength under dire circumstances;

Building on the premises that we are all ONE and that Life Loves Life, we can deduct that whatever connects us all to the ONE is concerned with the health of… well... the ONE. “Maybe we are given our lives not just to live them, but to donate them to the world in a grand experiment to see if together we can achieve thrival.” -Spontaneous Evolution. This concept entails we begin to favor cooperation over competition. We must learn to live in a state of compassion for the greater good of the ONE.

Compassion: More virtuous than simple empathy, compassion commonly gives rise to an ACTIVE desire to alleviate another's suffering.

Suffering is not an individual or solo event. Remember, we are all connected to ONE source. The suffering of one is the suffering of all.When we ACT with love and compassion we are able to increase the health of the whole and move towards that evolutionary step named “humanity.”

Now, back to our QOD, why are we here in the Universe? To show compassion, use the lives we live to increase the field of human potential, and give, love, and serve for the greater good of humanity.

 In Love and Compassion, Brett Jones

 “Compassion is an expression of human freedom, flowing from a sound institution of the unity of life and all living things.” Aura Glaser, A Call to Compassion